While many of us can recite 5 or 6 of the 7 Deadly Sins (there are always those few that we just can't place our finger on - as a recap they are: Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Lust, Envy, Pride and Wrath), very little is said of the 7 Holy Virtues that in essence counteract the sins...which I can actually recite without much hesitation, oddly enough:
Whether religious or not, I think these virtues can be applicable to anyone wanting to lead a more traditional lifestyle. The holy virtues, as you can see, say nothing of worship of a deity, say nothing of holding particular political beliefs nor embrace a certain people or group. So basically they are like the 10 Commandments but not as preachy.
Class Dismissed.
While obviously far from being annointed a saint, I find myself inching closer and closer to encompassing these traits as best I can...well...with the exception of Patience. I have a real hard time with that one sometimes. I also dodged a bullet with the fact that cursing isn't a deadly sin, or I would be in BIG TROUBLE.