Myth (AKA Thing That Honks Me Off) of the Day - taken from an e-mail exchange this week: All the pundits/politicians who decry the economy stating it is in a far worse state than it is currently experiencing...using the "R" word and the "D" word. A recession occurs after two quarters of a net loss of GDP. The US hasn't experienced one this year. No Recession = No Depression.
And before all the libs start saying that the Republicans ruined the world...here's a little pop quiz for you: When was the last time the US experienced a recession?
ANSWER: During the end of the Clinton Administration. Bush inherited that along with terrorist issues unanswered (USS Cole, Embassy Bombings in Africa, Bin Laden, Khobar Towers, etc). And no, the woes of the economy should not be placed solely on the sitting President although they most certainly are. Congress and a natural economic cycle have more to do with it.
My opinion - STFU pundits!@#!The economy is slowing a bit, but now is NOT the right time to freak out and start lying to the public for political points. And shame on the public for believing them...
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