In news that I am almost too ashamed to pass along, Hollywood (per usual) is glamorizing a political happenstance unimportant to most everyone...and making a movie about it. To recap, Valerie Plame AKA Valerie Wilson - wife of former Ambassador Joseph Wilson - was 'outed' as a CIA employee to various news outlets by various high ranking Republican officials.
Page Six Article
Wiki Link: Plamegate
Inside the Beltway, it was known that Ms. Plame worked at Langley (she had not functioned as a covert officer for over 5 years, preventing the 'leakers' from serving jail time). I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby was indicted on obstruction and perjury charges, not leaking the information. Outside the Beltway, this was a huge controversy elevating Plame from run-of-the-mill CIA employee to "CIA agent" or "Spy". Let's just be honest here, CIA agents aren't people who are employed by the CIA exclusively...real 'spies' are operatives. Another Hollywood fallacy.
Wiki Link: Scooter Libby
Reading Suggestion - "Blowing My Cover: My Life as a CIA Spy"
While no one should EVER reveal the identity of clandestine officers (not all of whom are 'spies') for national security reasons, this story has completely played itself out. Anything that might be of any interest to the public will be heavily redacted by the CIA (per non-disclosure agreements that she undoubtedly signed).
Afterthought: You can be certain I won't be reading her 'poor me' book or movie (in truth, this scandal has become a cash cow for her; she went from relative obscurity to rubbing elbows with the Hollywood elite & heavily capitalizing on her 'story').
Wiki Link: Plame's Book
While I don't have the highest opinions of Nicole Kidman, I think she is far better looking than the wronged Plame.
Wiki Link: Nicole Kidman
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