Monday, April 28, 2008

Rant of the Day: Audacity of Divisiveness

The infamous Reverend Jeremiah Wright - moral guide of Barack Obama - made a speech today in front of the National Press Club. In addressing his recent fame, Rev. Wright stated, 'Being different does not mean one is deficient,' which basically meant that in his mind it is OK for black reverends to spew hate speech against white people to their congregations...because it is a 'different' way of professing their faith.

No one is perfect, but at least in my faith - that has been filled with scandals involving sexual abuse of children - we denounce the wrongdoing of our spiritual leaders. Wright was greeted with standing ovations from the mainly-black crowd. Racism does not just stem from 'white' people...and it was evident from the responses of the crowd at the speech today.

I may not be the most holy of holy, but I do think that religious and moral figures SHOULD be held to a higher standard. They are the leaders of their community. Mr. Wright has not apologized for his venom-filled statements, but rather has blamed everyone but himself for his newfound fame: the media, politicians, etc. While I am one that is quick to point out the faults of those groups, they are most certainly not to be blamed for showing what kind of man he is; and when you choose a spiritual leader filled with more anger than love, it also shows what kind of man Barack Obama is. Whether we like it or not, we are judged by the company we keep, and Obama seems to surround himself with the lowest of the low...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Myth (AKA Thing That Honks Me Off) of the Day

Myth (AKA Thing That Honks Me Off) of the Day - taken from an e-mail exchange this week: All the pundits/politicians who decry the economy stating it is in a far worse state than it is currently experiencing...using the "R" word and the "D" word. A recession occurs after two quarters of a net loss of GDP. The US hasn't experienced one this year. No Recession = No Depression.

And before all the libs start saying that the Republicans ruined the's a little pop quiz for you: When was the last time the US experienced a recession?

ANSWER: During the end of the Clinton Administration. Bush inherited that along with terrorist issues unanswered (USS Cole, Embassy Bombings in Africa, Bin Laden, Khobar Towers, etc). And no, the woes of the economy should not be placed solely on the sitting President although they most certainly are. Congress and a natural economic cycle have more to do with it.

My opinion - STFU pundits!@#!The economy is slowing a bit, but now is NOT the right time to freak out and start lying to the public for political points. And shame on the public for believing them...

Monday, March 17, 2008

The 7 Holy Virtues

While many of us can recite 5 or 6 of the 7 Deadly Sins (there are always those few that we just can't place our finger on - as a recap they are: Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Lust, Envy, Pride and Wrath), very little is said of the 7 Holy Virtues that in essence counteract the sins...which I can actually recite without much hesitation, oddly enough:

Whether religious or not, I think these virtues can be applicable to anyone wanting to lead a more traditional lifestyle. The holy virtues, as you can see, say nothing of worship of a deity, say nothing of holding particular political beliefs nor embrace a certain people or group. So basically they are like the 10 Commandments but not as preachy.

Class Dismissed.

While obviously far from being annointed a saint, I find myself inching closer and closer to encompassing these traits as best I can...well...with the exception of Patience. I have a real hard time with that one sometimes. I also dodged a bullet with the fact that cursing isn't a deadly sin, or I would be in BIG TROUBLE.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Sorry Pervs, This is Legit...

A new camera has been developed that can 'see' through peoples' clothes from up to 80 feet away...James Bond be damned!!

The camera, or T5000, designed by UK-based company Thru Vision, was created for use in spacecraft and other astronomical endeavors (so that clear images could be produced even when taken through cosmic dust and other sediment), has attracted positive attention from law enforcement agencies and others for its ability to also penetrate clothing...and detect weapons, explosives, and drugs by detecting and measuring tetrahertz waves.

Sorry perverts - this handy dandy new contraption does not show specific anatomical properties of subjects scanned. Guess you will have to wait until some genius figures that one out.

Link to the ThruVision Website

The T5000 will be shown this week at the UK government's Home Office Scientific Development Branch exhibition, and will be one of the 3,000+ other security products displayed.

Friday, March 7, 2008

The Real March Madness

Sure, sure...March symbolizes the NCAA Basketball Championships every year, commonly called 'March Madness', but as someone who only follows the NFL with much passion (although my alma mater tends to be a heavy hitter on the basketball court), March Madness is marked with increased consumption of the nectar of the Gods; namely Guinness.

Beware of the Ides of March!! Why? That is but 2 days away from perhaps the most fun celebration of beer (especially Guinness, Harp, etc) in the world: St. Patty's!! Yeah, I could go on and on about Saint Patrick and blah...blah...blah, but who cares?

Unfortunately, this blessed month also coincides with a vow I made to myself a while back to abstain from just about anything worthwhile - even giving up my precious VIP tickets (READ: bands galore and all the beer little old me could consume) to a Shamrockfest. This is serious business! We'll see when the willpower winds down.

Having said that, I highly encourage you, my devout fans, to drink, drink, drink to your heart's content. Drink for me! Drink like Ted Kennedy - just don't drive drunk and kill your mistress!!

News reports today indicated that young men, and most especially women, are starving themselves during the day so that they may be able to drink mass quantities of alcohol at night. The emerging term is 'DRUNKOREXIA'. I always thought that was called being an American college student. I could be wrong...

Afterthought of the Afterthought:
Have you heard of the Guinness Diet?? Though not endorsed by the Guinness folks, it consists of drinking 4-10 pints of Guinness a day - no food - combined with a vitamin C supplement, water and a pint of milk a day for a week. The originator of this diet, UK's own Mike Burt, lost 9 pounds in a week. Now I am not suggesting anything...but it could be interesting to compare outcomes. With my background in science, I find it might be incumbent upon me to conduct this experiment on myself someday...for the sake of furthering the scientific discipline, of course...

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Irritating News of the Day - Spanking & 'Sexual Problems'

In the most irritating headline of the newsday, it seems like the geniuses at the American Psychological Association (more like Amok Psychotic Absurdity) are weighing the merits of a study that indicates that children who are spanked are more likely to have 'sexual problems' later in life - including masochism and other sexually risky behavior...

USA Today Write-Up

Having received more than my fair share of corporal punishment at the very strong hands (among other things) of my parents growing up, the only sexual deviance I may exhibit in this modern age is that of chastity. Ghastly behavior, I know - who would have thought that I of all people am virtuous?!@# HEAVEN FORBID!

No offense to the S&M crowd - if they are consenting adults they are free to engage in whatever kind of lawful acts they wish, but I have a hard time believing that physical discipline causes a penchant for sexually risky fetishes.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Money Talks: Another Rate Slash on the Horizon, Hints Bernake

Today, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernake testified before the House Financial Services Committee on the Federal Reserve's 'Monetary Policy Report to Congress', hinting at another rate cut to stimulate projected sluggish business growth.

Bernake Testimony

Bernake noted that with energy (most specifically oil) prices increasing drastically, as well as the decline in the housing market has but a burden on business growth in the United States, and will result in increasing inflation (up 2.1%-2.4% from the fall predictions).

**Politicos are anticipating a rate reduction when the Federal Reserve Board meets again on March 18. This would mark the second month of rate reductions in 2008; the 1.25% rate reduction over eight days in January accounting for the largest slash during a single month in a quarter century.

NASA Likes to Make Things Go 'BOOM'

NASA plans to send two spacecraft on a path to collide with the moon in an effort to study whether or not water lies on the surface of the Earth's only natural satellite....I really think they are engaging in Earth-on-Moon violence because they like to make things go 'boom'. I know I do... Article

Interesting Factoid - While the 5th largest planetary satellite in the Milky Way solar system, the Earth's moon has no name other than "the Moon (capital M)".

Thursday, February 21, 2008

War Casualties in Perspective

The War on Terror has received unparalleled media attention since the September 11th attacks. Everyday, news outlets report the ever-increasing death toll in the Middle East, indicating in their subtle way of a skirmish that has failed. While the merits of military action in the region can be debated soundly on all positions, all of the poli-talk does not camouflage the fact that military personnel continue to serve in Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.

Wiki Article: War on Terrorism
Wiki Article: Operation Enduring Freedom
Wiki Article: Operation Iraqi Freedom

A major focus of media coverage that can be attributed to a decline in popularity for the Global War on Terror is loss of life of military personnel. Many outspoken anti-war groups have taken on war casualties as their (perhaps most successful) cause célèbre for removal of U.S. forces from Iraq and Afghanistan, likening the campaigns to that of a previous 'failed' conflict - Vietnam. While the intent of each war is different, inferences and correlations between 'unpopular wars' made by talking heads welcomed further investigation into U.S. military deaths without opinion and manipulation:

Historical Overview of War Casualties
**Official Department of Defense Statistics**
Civil War (1861-1865)...................364,511
World War I (1917-1918).............116, 516
World War II (1941-1946)...........405,399
Korean War (1950-1953)..............36,574
Vietnam Conflict (1964-1973)......58,209
Persian Gulf War (1990-1991).....382

Active Duty Military Deaths
**Tallies below were computed using DoD personnel statistics**

81 due to hostile action
294 due to terrorist attack
12,532 due to accident

148 due to hostile action
76 due to terrorist attack
5,560 due to accident

2001-2006 (*updated on November 22, 2007):
2,603 due to hostile action
55 due to terrorist attack
3,331 due to accident

As a 'military brat' who had the honor of studying National Security at a military graduate school alongside officer heroes who undoubtedly serve in these military campaigns, soldiers hold a special place in my heart. I contend that any loss of life is a horrid result of war or service, and do not make light of what I felt compelled to report - placing into perspective casualties of war and service-connected deaths during times of peace.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Will Plagiarism Sink the Obama Machine?

There is absolutely no doubt that the media has taken it easy on golden boy du jour Barack Obama, doling out proverbial 'free-passes' much like the Clinton White House enjoyed for a time (Bill/Hillary are still attempting to wrap their heads around their fall from grace) . However, over the weekend Team Clinton released videos to the media that showed the Illinois Senator-cum-Presidential Candidate blatantly plagiarizing a 2006 campaign speech of now Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick.

Wiki Link: Plagiarism
Wiki Link: Deval Patrick

Patrick Rally Speech (Dated October 15, 2006):

“But her (Republican opponent Lt. Governor Kerry Healey) dismissive point, and I hear it a lot from her staff, is that all I have to offer is words — just words. ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.’ Just words – just words! ‘We have nothing to fear but fear itself.’ Just words! ‘Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.’ Just words! ‘I have a dream.’ Just words!”
Obama Re-Do (Dated February 16, 2008):
“Don’t tell me words don’t matter! ‘I have a dream.’ Just words. ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.’ Just words! ‘We have nothing to fear but fear itself.’ Just words — just speeches!”
The Obama camp maintains that Patrick is a close friend of the candidate (does anyone else smell a detour from answering the allegations?), and counter-charged Clinton for pilfering 'Yes We Can' - which was made into a (of the Black-Eyed Peas) song - and 'Fired Up and Ready to Go', two supposed signature Obama rally cries, even though 'Yes We Can' is derived from a union chant.

Wiki Link: Yes We Can

Whether or not Obama will feel a backlash from the plagiarism charges can only be answered in the forthcoming primaries. As of right now, my money is on Obama remaining relatively unscathed.

Afterthought 1:
Interesting Washington Post Op-Ed on Obama (noting that Obama may have plagiarized several Clinton policy platforms) - The Obama Delusion

Afterthought 2:
Politics even plays a role in campaign music selection. Although compiled 'Yes We Can' for Obama, it is not used as a campaign song, Clinton is using Celine Dion's 'You and I' and John McCain - after earlier troubles with lacking permission to play the Rocky Theme Song - absorbed John Mellencamp's 'Our Country' from the now-defunct John Edwards campaign, only to be slighted yet again when the artist and known Democrat contacted the McCain camp and requested his songs not be played. Better luck next time, I guess...
Wiki Link: Campaign Songs

Friday, February 15, 2008

Plamegate - So Over It

In news that I am almost too ashamed to pass along, Hollywood (per usual) is glamorizing a political happenstance unimportant to most everyone...and making a movie about it. To recap, Valerie Plame AKA Valerie Wilson - wife of former Ambassador Joseph Wilson - was 'outed' as a CIA employee to various news outlets by various high ranking Republican officials.

Page Six Article
Wiki Link: Plamegate

Inside the Beltway, it was known that Ms. Plame worked at Langley (she had not functioned as a covert officer for over 5 years, preventing the 'leakers' from serving jail time). I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby was indicted on obstruction and perjury charges, not leaking the information. Outside the Beltway, this was a huge controversy elevating Plame from run-of-the-mill CIA employee to "CIA agent" or "Spy". Let's just be honest here, CIA agents aren't people who are employed by the CIA exclusively...real 'spies' are operatives. Another Hollywood fallacy.

Wiki Link: Scooter Libby
Reading Suggestion - "Blowing My Cover: My Life as a CIA Spy"

While no one should EVER reveal the identity of clandestine officers (not all of whom are 'spies') for national security reasons, this story has completely played itself out. Anything that might be of any interest to the public will be heavily redacted by the CIA (per non-disclosure agreements that she undoubtedly signed).

Afterthought: You can be certain I won't be reading her 'poor me' book or movie (in truth, this scandal has become a cash cow for her; she went from relative obscurity to rubbing elbows with the Hollywood elite & heavily capitalizing on her 'story').

Wiki Link: Plame's Book

While I don't have the highest opinions of Nicole Kidman, I think she is far better looking than the wronged Plame.

Wiki Link: Nicole Kidman

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cupid Ain't No Saint

Billions of lovebirds in mainly western (or influenced) countries observe Valentine’s Day on February 14 every year as a celebration of their affection for one another; traditionally exchanging cards, gifts, flowers and chocolate.

Valentine’s Day

What is particularly interesting is that Saint Valentine, for ‘whom’ the holiday is named, is actually a collection of martyred saints of ancient Rome, with no particular association to love or desire; only vague references remain (a feast for one of the Saints Valentine falls on February 14 in the Roman calendar; nothing considerable about this saint is known).

Saint Valentine

The origins of February 14’s association with romantic love can be traced back to the days of English poet Geoffrey Chaucer – best known for his work ‘The Canterbury Tales’.

Parlement of Foules (1382)

‘For this was on seynt Volantynys day
Whan euery byrd comyth there to chese
his make.’

Geoffrey Chaucer

A major icon of this holiday is the kindly cherub Cupid – shooting his bows into the hearts of the lonely. Unlike the Saints Valentine, Cupid is indeed linked with romance; in Roman mythology, Cupid is the god of erotic love and sex, equated with the Greek god Eros.


While the Saints Valentine and Cupid find their origins in Roman mythology, they did not have clear connections until Chaucer and his circle manufactured a link - confirming yet again that perception is reality. As for this writer and her cronies…we will be celebrating my annual Anti-Valentine's Day fete with food, drink, tawdry conversation, drink…culminating in a pajama party full of drink.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Maintaining the Honorable Reputation of the US Congress is a Tough Job, but Rep. Meeks Takes it Seriously...*Sarcasm Free of Charge*

Article Courtesy of CongressDaily:

Meeks Settles FEC Complaint For $63,000, Plus Refunds

Rep. Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y., has agreed to pay a $63,000 fine and refund $9,812 to his campaign committee for vehicles that he leased for personal use, the FEC announced Tuesday. Meeks earlier refunded his committee $6,230 he had spent for personal trainer expenses and $916 for miscellaneous credit card expenses, the FEC said.

By entering the conciliation agreement, Meeks admitted violating federal laws by using campaign funds for personal expenses, by misstating financial activity, by receiving donations above legal limits and from prohibited sources, and by failing to keep proper records of expenditures and contributions to other political committees, the FEC said in a statement.

The FEC enforcement action began in August 2006 and involved activities by Meeks and his committee during the 2004 election cycle.

The lawmaker's committee, Meeks for Congress, misstated its cash on hand, receipts and disbursements in amounts totaling $278,636 on FEC reports filed in 2003 and 2004, the commission said. It also received contributions from individuals totaling $22,900 above their limits, but has since refunded the excess donations, and it accepted $7,070 from corporations and limited liability companies, which are prohibited from giving to candidates, the FEC said.

Laziness and the Decline of the Art of Language

I’m lazy. I admit it. Instead of schlepping to the gym, I convince myself that I will forgo sweating for an hour or two so that I can finally clean my home or accomplish some equally noble deed…and ultimately end up being mesmerized by whatever kitschy program happens to be on the tele when I press the power button.

Couch Potato

However, when it comes to words – verbose doesn’t even begin to describe me. I cannot tell a joke without a 5 minute lead-up; it takes restraint for me to compose an e-mail in less than 1,000 words; and it is difficult for me to limit this post to ~ 250 words. So I find it intriguing that whilst I love to expound and express…the trend is to contract and summarize to the point where superfluous definitions were created for what basically amounts to written and verbal laziness:

Haplography - Written Laziness; Linguistics

Haplology - Verbal Laziness; Phonology

With the advent of texting, BlackBerries, mobile phones (conveniences that I ADORE) – we are provided a unique opportunity to communicate faster…but do we really communicate more? With every contraction used, every syllable removed (probably vs. prolly), etc. are we ultimately taking a first-row seat to the decline of language? In a thousand years, will communication be so advanced / degraded that simple caveman-like grunts will be taken as meaningful statements?



Maybe we should learn a lesson from the H.G. Wells book ‘The Time Machine’, where the protagonist lead invents a time travel contraption that advances him to the year 802,701 A.D. and he discovers the society of the future is simple (READ: stupid, naïve, ignorant…Merriam Webster told me so).

The Time Machine

Idiocracy - Film Based Loosely on 'The Time Machine'

Synonyms of 'Simple'

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I Thought the Term 'Budget' Implied Monetary Restraint...

It's that time of year again, kiddies. President Bush rolled out his last Federal Government budget in office (and coincidentally, the tax-man is sniffing around too...coincidence?). As a relatively successful single person (READ: no dependents, no assets, NO deductions), I thought it would be an interesting exercise to examine where my mire duckets might go - I say 'might' because the President's Budget is his suggestion to Congress on how they should 'appropriate', or allocate our tax dollars. That's the technical term for "spending our money like drunken sailors on leave."

Wiki Link: Drunken Sailor

Web Link: Budget of the United States Government, FY '09

Highlights include:
*$3 billion less of a deficit than last year's request (running at negative $407 billion...that will somehow result in a $48B surplus in 3 years)

*$45.8 billion more in discretionary spending than Congress enacted in FY '08

*$36 billion in additional discretionary spending going to the Department of Defense alone (if they can keep me safe, I say go for it).

*Negligable differences +/- in other Agencies.

If you are an ordinary American, you probably don't have a clue what all this means. Time to go fishing:

Wiki Link: US Federal Budget

Wiki Link: US Budget Process

BLAST!#$% Why didn't the Schoolhouse Rock people do a song on the Federal Budget??? Well, they kind of did, in a sense. Don't be scared...Appropriations bills are actually similar to typical legislation, except slightly more technical.

Web Link: Refresher Course on the Legislative Process

"Am I sure? Let me check my notes here one more time. Yeah, it says here clearly: No, we're not." -- OMB Director Nussle, responded to a reporter's question about whether the administration, in making specific spending proposals in his FY09 budget, was guilty of the same earmarking practices it has criticized Congress for using.

Afterthoughts: Doesn't this guy look like this guy???

Believe it or not, one of them is a United States Senator who gets to weigh in on how tax dollars are spent, as he sits on 2 powerful Appropriations Subcommittees.

Web Link: Senator 'This Guy'

Not only do the previously mentioned pop culture icons look alike, but media reports indicate they may share some of the same, er, appetites too:

Web Link: New York Times Article

Wiki Link: Biography

Super Bowl XLII, or as I like to call it: Good Prevailing Over Evil

To say that I am pleased with the outcome of Super Bowl XLII would be a gross understatement. As a devout Indianapolis Colts fan, the New York Giants victory over the New England Patriots on Sunday, February 3, wasn’t just a game…it was good prevailing over evil.

Super Bowl 42

The Patriots were the favorites to win – with an SB point spread of 12-14 in their favor on their quest to be the first NFL team to have a 19 game perfect season (the 1972 Miami Dolphins had a 17-0-0 season) and add a 4th Super Bowl title to the franchise. Plagued by the infamous ‘Spygate’ scandal and Coach Bill Belichick’s notoriously unrelenting (and some may say unsportsmanlike) win-at-all-costs strategy, the Pats played hard but were rattled by the Giants’ defensive line, who sacked Quarterback Tom Brady an unprecedented 5 times, hitting him 23 times according to unofficial Giants statistics.

2007 Patriots Season


The Giants, led by Quarterback Eli Manning (son of famed Saints/Oilers/Vikings Quarterback Archie Manning and younger brother of 2007 SB MVP Indianapolis Colts Quarterback Peyton Manning), rebounded from lackluster regular season performances to capture the national title. Since joining the team in 2004, Eli had been constantly compared to Peyton, serving as a running joke for many sports commentators, most especially Tiki Barber (former Giants Running Back).

2007 Giants Season

While my team of choice didn’t repeat the success of their 2006 season, it was heartwarming to witness the underdog Giants get the respect they deserve after defeating the cheating, smug Pats.

Notes: As it stands, the media and the public are still in the dark about the full extent of the Patriots 'Spygate' scandal - which warranted the largest penalties in NFL history. I direct you to ESPN to read of the implications:

NFL to Blame itself for Scandal's Timing

I bet if Brady & Moss received Super Bowl rings this year, they wouldn't have 'opted out' of the Pro Bowl...

Poor Sports or Real Injuries??

Electile Dysfunction

Electile Dysfunction is defined as: the inability to become aroused over any choices for President by either party in the 2008 election cycle.

Unlike any election I can recall during my lifetime, it seems as if this year has provided voters with the most lackluster crop of candidates for least in the last several generations (notwithstanding the 1996 Clinton/Dole faceoff, which I gauge to be a somewhat close second). Without an heir-apparent to succeed Bush, emerging factions of the Republican party are waging an internal ideological war - most specifically between the religious right and the libertarian centrists - reminiscent of decades past when Jerry Falwell and other evangelical leaders brought Southern Democrats to the open arms of Reagan's party.

Today, the Republican primary is all but whittled down to John McCain & Mitt Romney (Mike Huckabee is still in the heat, but his campaign is having apparent financial difficulties that will probably take him out of the race after Super Tuesday; Texas Congressman Ron Paul has attracted positive attention from Libertarian-Republicans, but not enough for a serious bid). McCain - ever the maverick - ruffles the feathers of the establishment party, serving as the Senate Democrats go-to guy anytime they want to buck the President; only recently warming up to Bush's tax cuts and other policies. Romney, on the other hand, has had inherent image problems from the start stemming from his Mormon faith, and inability to connect his policies to the people. In his favor, Romney had amassed a considerable fortune before serving as Governor of the historically liberal state of Massachusetts, which can keep him in the race long-term.

Mitt Romney Wikipedia Article

On the left, Democrats are having their own struggles. In what should have been a coast to coast sweep, Hillary Clinton is in the fight of her political life against newcomer Barack Obama. After waiting patiently while her husband served as Governor and then President; biding her time in the Senate whilst sitting out the 2004 elections - it was indubitable that Clinton's ultimate ambition was to elevated to the title of Commander-in-Chief (at least in her mind) as 2008 approached. After all, save for a few embarrassments that the mainstream media outlets were quick to forget -- a la Whitewater, Monica Lewinsky, stealing $200,000 worth of goods from the White House & being forced to return them, Monica Lewinsky, Sandy Berger and the theft of incriminating documents from the National Archives, Vince Foster's suspicious suicide, Monica Lewinsky (ok...maybe we haven't forgotten about the blue Gap dress yet) -- the Clinton name was as good as gold in Blue states and cities across the country.

Hillary Clinton Wikipedia Article

That was, until OBAMA.

Many Americans, both to the left and right, are intrigued by the Obama phenomenon. His meteoric rise to the top of American politics has been in large part due to happenstance. Running as a relative nobody against investment banker-cum-high school teacher Jack Ryan in 2004, Obama had quite a race in front of him. However, his big break came after divorce court documents released in the media portrayed Ryan (who had divorced actress Jeri Ryan 5 years prior) as a sexual deviant. With the clock running down on the election, the Republicans couldn't recruit a suitable replacement, and Obama walked right into the open Senate slot.

The Senator-elect from Illinois put a definite kink in the armor of the Republican party, and gave Obama instant credibility in his party as a power player. Americans hailed him for his ability to speak with a bravado of hope, which also attracted the attention of many celebrities including previously-apolitical Oprah Winfrey and others to lend their support to his Presidential bid. However, one of the biggest criticisms facing Obama is his lack of sound experience, and according to his fiercest opponents - the lack of any firm policy positions.

While no one can predict without a doubt who will be residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on January 20, 2009, many Americans don't seem to care. Whilst some believe that due to the fact that America is at war in the Middle East with nuclear concerns looming from Iran, we need a President who is firm on national security (traditionally attributed to the Republican party); others are more concerned with an impending recession accredited to President Bush and the formerly Republican-controlled Congress, and thus desire a Democrat in the White House.

The real question is: when it comes right down to it, do Americans really care WHO will be President??

**NOTE: As of Thursday, February 7, 2007, Mitt Romney is no longer a candidate for President.

What's in a Name Anyway???

Very recently I was bestowed the distinct honor of receiving my 'given name' in Korean. At 5'10, blonde with light eyes and skin - I am sure you are undoubtedly confused as to why one such as myself would be in need of a Korean name. Believe it or not, I am of direct Korean descent on my mother's side, and given my Irish-American father's dark features (skin, hair, eyecolor) and shorter height - I am a genetic anomaly. My sister, however, did take on several such features, as indicated in the photograph above.

While I do not take on the traditional physical appearance of my culture, I embrace it wholeheartedly and actively participate in Korean organizations, even having audiences with Consulars and the Korean Ambassador to the United States. And so, I respectfully requested to the family that I be given my official Korean name (many Koreans in the United States have both an American name and a Korean name).

To be honest, it was quite the painstaking process given that my family can date itself back for thousands of years. For families with ancestry in the yangban, or 'highest society', as mine was, naming can be a very scientific process whereby ancestors preordained what subsequent generations would be named. Living relatives were tasked to scour ancient logs to retrieve vital information.

Korean Naming

The ruling class yangban began adopting given names using 'hanja' or Chinese characters - following traditions set up during the Unified Silla Dynasty (668 CE-935CE) - which continues on in certain higher society families today. These generation names allowed ancestors from thousands of years ago the ability to decide the names of family offspring today and beyond.

Generational Naming

This practice was stalled in the 20th century during Japanese occupation of Korea, that did affect the selection of my mother's name, Young-Cha (the family name is Yim, and in Korea the family name is presented first - Yim Young-Cha...additionally, in previous generations, women did not change their family names; however, due to Western influence, women are increasingly taking on the family name of their husbands in Korea).

While traditionally I would be provided a given name including hanja (predetermined by my noble ancestors), the family council met and provided me a Nationalist Korean name using only 한글 ('Hangul' or Korean characters), setting a precedent for my generation and future generations of the Yim family.

Names of Korea


After family council deliberations, my given name is 사랑 , which means "Love" (pronounced Sah-Dahng; the 'D' is actually a rolled 'R' sound)!